2023-02-18 22:02:00

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Job shadowing - February 14, 2023 to February 18, 2023 in Şehit Askeri Çoban İlkokulu, Istanbul, Turska

Şehit Askeri Çoban İlkokulu School in Istanbul hosted  librarian Biljana Krajačić, teacher Stjepan Benković and teacher Girdana Rusan.

Our host is the Şehit Askeri Çoban İlkokulu school. The school has 1,250 students, 100 of whom are refugees. We got to know our colleagues, the school education system, classrooms, cabinets and a specialized classroom. A specialized classroom is used for the Harezmi educational model. According to the Harezma model, students solve the established problem task independently but with the professional guidance of the teacher. They solve the problem task using: workshops, digital tools, discussions and other creative ways. We attended morning meetings over breakfast with the principal and deputy principals and the school's professional service. We talked about the structure of the school, challenges and specifics in working with refugee students, raising awareness of their problems and their integration into the school system. We learned from students and their parents how students and parents experience integration into school life and socialization in classes. They were very accommodating! We are familiar with the involvement of refugee students and children with disabilities in the "Healthy Nutrition" school project. The goal of the project is to make children independent to carry out basic daily tasks. They learn about healthy eating, prepare food, after meals they clean dishes and do laundry independently.   Naš domaćin je škola Şehit Askeri Çoban İlkokulu. Škola ima 1250 učenika od kojih su 100 izbjeglice.  Upoznali smo se s kolegama, školskim obrazovnim sustavom, učionicama, kabinetima i specijaliziranom učionicom.  Specijalizirana učionica se koristi za obrazovni model Harezmi. Prema Harezmi modelu učenici utvrđeni problemski zadatak rješavaju samostalno ali uz stručno vodstvo učitelja. Problemski zadatak rješavaju pomoću: radionica, digitalnih alata, rasprava i drugih kreativnih načina. Prisustvovali smo jutarnjim sastancima uz doručak s ravnateljem i zamjenicama ravnatelja te stručnom službom škole. Razgovarali smo o ustroju škole, izazovima i specifičnostima u rada s učenicima izbjeglicama, senzibilizaciji za njihove probleme i njihovoj integraciji u školski sustav. Kako učenici i roditelji doživljavaju integraciju u život škole i socijalizaciju u razrede saznali smo od učenika i njihovih roditelja. Bili su vrlo susretljivi! Upoznati smo s angažmanom učenika izbjeglica i djece s poteškoćama u projektu škole "Zdrava prehrana". Cilj projekta je osamostaliti djecu za izvršavanje osnovnih svakodnevnih poslova. Uče o zdravoj prehrani, pripremaju hranu, nakon objeda samostalno čiste posuđe te peru rublj

Osnovna škola Lipik