Obilježen Europski dan jezika

Učenici Osnovne Lipik 26. rujna obilježili su Europski dan jezika (The European Day of Languages) koji je utemeljilo Vijeće Europe 2001. godine – „ Europske godine jezika“, s ciljem poticanja jezične različitosti, višejezičnosti i...

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Travanj 2023.

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Teachers' Council on April 5, 2023. Učiteljsko vijeće  5. travnja 2023.  The report of the teacher Jadranka...

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Travanj 2023.

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Teachers' Council  April 5 th, 2023. Učiteljsko vijeće 5.travnja 2023. Teacher Gordana Rusan's report after the...

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Travanj 2023.

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Teacher Gordana Rusan attended the "Arts for the Inclusion of Migrants, Refugees and Disadvantaged Populations"...

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Ožujak 2023.

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Librarian Biljna Krajačić was on training in Athens from March 13th  to March 18, 2023. The training was called...

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Ožujak 2023.

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Education in Cyprus Edukacija na Cipru The reason for the stay of teacher Jadranka Šimunović Katunar from March 11 to...

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