Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences – integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218
Job shadowing 24.1. 2023 until 27.1. 2023 in Bjarred, Sweden
Job shadowing 24.1. 2023. do 27.1. 2023. u Bjarredu u Švedskoj
Observation of practice in Sweden. Teachers Nikol Petković, Ingrid Časar and speech therapist Goranka Kufner A very different system from ours – there is no bell, when they finish with the material, they go on vacation. They have at least a few minutes of exercise every day during breaks and during classes, and multiculturalism is common to them – classes full of children from all over Europe, but also the world. We met with Jennie, the so-called special teacher who, along with two other colleagues at the school, leads a team of assistants who help teachers and students in class. They have meetings once a month with teachers, the principal and the rest of the professional service to see which classes need help – if a teacher asked for an assistant last month to help him in his class, and he no longer needs it, he will simply say that the assistant is freely assigned to someone else who needs it more. Therefore, no assistant is tied exclusively to one student, but it can also be the other way around – a teacher can work with refugee students, students with difficulties, and an assistant with other students. At the school, they have students with difficulties (autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.), but they all work and study according to the same program – there are no adapted or individualized programs, although the methods and procedures are adapted to them at the request of the professional service, but not the scope of the material. Students and parents have an always available professional service (Jennie is among them) where they can ask for a conversation and help with work, study planning, etc., and if necessary, it can result in an assistant for a certain period until progress is seen. Also, any student who does not know enough to get a positive grade (grades from A to E are positive, and F is negative), must go to an interview with Jennie or her fellow experts in order to try to get to the core of the problem and find a system for . They are not burdened with tests, but after the 3rd, 6th and 9th grades, they write national exams on which their grades and enrollment in further education depend, and which are the same for everyone.” Više o ovom izvornom tekstuZa dodatne podatke o prijevodu potreban je izvorni tekst Pošaljite povratne informacije Bočne pločePromatranje prakse u Švedskoj.
Učiteljice Nikol Petković, Ingrid Časar i logopetkinja Goranka Kufner
Puno drugačiji sistem od našega – zvono ne postoji, kada završe s gradivom, idu na odmor. Imaju tjelovježbu od barem nekoliko minuta svaki dan pod odmorima i tijekom nastave, a multikulturalnost im je uobičajena – razredi prepuni djece iz svih krajeva ne samo Europe, već i svijeta.
Sastali smo se s Jennie, tzv. special teacher koja, uz još dvije kolegice u školi, vodi tim asistenata koji pomažu učiteljima i učenicima u razredu. Sastanke imaju jednom mjesečno s učiteljima, ravnateljem i ostatkom stručne službe kako bi vidjeli kojim razredima treba pomoć – ako je neki učitelj prošloga mjeseca zamolio za asistenta kako bi mu pomogao u razredu, a više mu nije potreban, jednostavno će reći da asistenta slobodno dodijele nekome kome je potrebnije. Dakle, nijedan asistent nije vezan isključivo uz jednoga učenika, već može biti i obrnuto – učitelj može raditi s učenicima izbjeglicama, učenicima s poteškoćama, a asistent s ostalim učenicima.
U školi imaju učenike s poteškoćama (autizam, ADHD, disleksija itd.), ali svi rade i uče po istom programu – nema prilagođenih ni individualiziranih programa, iako im se na zahtjev stručne službe prilagođavaju metode i postupci, ali ne i opseg gradiva.
Učenici i roditelji imaju uvijek dostupnu stručnu službu (među njima je i Jennie) kod koje mogu tražiti razgovor i pomoć oko rada, planiranja učenja itd., a ako je potrebno, može rezultirati asistentom kroz određeno razdoblje dok se ne vidi pomak.
Također, svaki učenik koji ne zna dovoljno za pozitivnu ocjenu (ocjene od A do E su pozitivne, a F je negativna), obavezno ide na razgovor kod Jennie ili njezinih kolegica sustručnjakinja kako bi se pokušalo doći do srži problema i pronaći sistem za .
Nisu opterećeni testovima, ali nakon 3., 6. i 9. razreda pišu nacionalne ispite o kojima im ovise ocjena i upis na daljnje školovanje, a koji su svima isti.”