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Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Vijest ima dokument u privitku

As part of our project, special education teacher Goranka Kufner surveyed students and parents of refugee children. We used the results of the surveys to prepare topics for workshops at school. 22 workshops were held under the title We are all children of the world and Who are refugees?

U sklopu našega projekta defektologinja Goranka Kufner anketirala je učenike i roditelje djece izbjeglica. Rezultate anketa koristili smo za pripremu tema radionica u školi. Provedene su 22 radionice pod nazivom Svi smo mi djeca svijeta i Tko su izbjeglice?
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 29. 5. 2023. 21:36

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Teacher Jadranka Šimunović Katunar organized additional classes in English "School is the home of diversity". During the activity, the students, with the help of the teacher, created a picture dictionary and educational games that can be used by all teachers who work with refugee children.

Links to educational materials
Učiteljica Jadranka Šimunović Katunar organizirala je dodatnu nastavu iz engleskog jezika "School is the home of diversity". Tijekom aktivnosti učenici su uz pomoć učiteljice izradili Slikovni rječnik i edukativnu igru koju mogu koristiti svi učitelji koji rade s djecom izbjeglicama.
Poveznice za edukativne materijale 
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 29. 5. 2023. 19:49

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Librarian Biljana Krajačić created digital games to work with students in classes where children fled from Ukraine and Afghanistan.
Teach them how to use educational ICT tools, learn the Croatian language, create a pleasant collaborative environment, encourage positive discussions on any topic. Do fun team games and activities that promote integration and help overcome cultural issues and differences.
Flags and cities
Knjižničarka Biljana Krajačić izradila je digitalne igre za rad s učenicima u razredima u kojima su djeca izbjegla iz Ukrajine i Afganistana. 
Naučiti ih kako koristiti obrazovne ICT alate, učenje hrvatskog jezika, stvaranje ugodnog suradničkog okruženja, poticati pozitivne rasprave o bilo kojoj temi. Odrađivati vesele timske igre i aktivnosti koje promiču integraciju i pomažu nadmašiti kulturna pitanja i razlike.
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 29. 5. 2023. 12:52

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Vijest ima dokument u privitku

Teacher Gordana Rusan prepared a teaching scenario for the art class.
GOAL: to develop a sense of community with all human beings and the ability to empathize with refugees.
OUTCOMES: development of communication and social skills. Noticing similarities and differences among themselves and developing empathy towards refugees.
Učiteljica Gordana Rusan pripremila je scenarij poučavanja za sat likovne kulture.
CILJ: razvijati osjećaj zajedništva sa svim ljudskim bićima te sposobnost empatije prema izbjeglicama.
ISHODI: razvijanje komunikacijskih i socijalnih vještina. Uočavanje sličnosti i razlika među sobom te razvijanje empatije prema izbjeglicama
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 28. 5. 2023. 22:30

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Teacher Zorica Novokmet taught the students Ukrainian and Croatian dances at the dance extracurricular activity.
Their performance for the School Day was also noted.
Watch the performance video and enjoy.
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 28. 5. 2023. 20:24

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Teacher Ingrid Časar created a trilingual dictionary for refugee children at the Lipik Elementary School with the students during extracurricular activities. The use of the digital dictionary is via the link:


Učiteljica Ingrid Časar je s učenicima na izvannastavnim aktivnostima Izradila trojezični rječnik za djecu izbjeglice u Osnovnoj školi Lipik. Kosrištenje digitalnog rječnika je preko poveznice:

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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 28. 5. 2023. 19:39

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

Teacher Sanda Ivanović created a digital primer for foreign speakers.

Učiteljica Sanda Ivanović izradila je digitalnu početnicu za inojezičare.


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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 8. 5. 2023. 18:54

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218 Vijest ima dokument u privitku

At the County Professional Council of Librarians of the Požega Slavonski County, librarian Biljana Krajačić had the dissemination of our Erasmus+ project "Similar in Differences". Colleagues were very interested in the project itself and the topic of the project. The lecturer was awarded a very high grade.

Na Županijskom stručnom vijeću knjižničara Požeško slavonske županije, knjižničarka Biljana Krajačić je imala diseminaciju našeg Erasmus+ projekta “Slični u različitostima”. Kolege su bili jako zainteresirani i za sam projekt i temu projekta. Predavačica je nagrađena vrlo visokom ocjenom.
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 28. 4. 2023. 12:27

Erasmus+ projekt Similar in differences - integration of refugee children into the life of the School. Project code 2022-1- HR01-KA122-SCH-000074218

At the County Professional Council of Class Teachers on April 26 th, 2023.

Na Županisjkom stručnom vijeću učitelja razredne nastave 26. travnja 2023.
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objavio: Sanda Ivanović  datum: 28. 4. 2023. 09:47
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    OŠLipik 3.a     OŠLipik 3.b

    OŠLipik 4.a     OŠLipik 4.b

       OŠ Lipik PŠ Dobrovac

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1. SAT :   8.00 -  8.45
2. SAT :   8.50 -  9.35
3. SAT :   9.45 - 10.30
4. SAT : 10.40 - 11.25
5. SAT : 11.30 - 12.15
6. SAT : 12.20 - 13.05
7. SAT : 13.10 - 13.55
8. SAT : 14.00 - 14.45

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